Put on…!

Wars, battles, fights, struggles aren’t interesting but we can\’t deny we have them…..

Many of us have watched a lot of super-hero movies when we were much younger, we even watch some of them even now. We know this heroes by their actions, what they wear, what they put on. We have also watched ancient movies were there are lots of wars and there is always the winning side. Even in sports, there is always a winning side; that\’s why many have favorite clubs and are devoted to such. Generally, we have different wears for different occasions.

Warriors have their uniforms, soldiers and heroes inclusive. They put on this when they go for battles or wars just so they are prepared. I have always imagined just when I would have to take pictures having their looks, such boldness and then those clothes….lol. By now, we can say we already know the word \’Armour\’.

Ephesians 6:11
Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil

Paul has used soldier or warrior stories many times when he teaches what kind of battles we face as Christians. The Bible already shows we are victorious in Christ but how do we live our lives to prove this? Many times we\’ve read and heard these words \’be strong, stand fast, stand firm, endure, be on guard, watch, cast down, do not fear, stand!\’ These are some of the attributes of warriors or soldiers.

To many of us, this isn\’t reality. Even if we imagine ourselves being heroes with this attributes, it\’s still seem so difficult. Wearing the \’Armour\’ is still a problem but we are asked to put it on. We give up and we say there is no true victory when it\’s already available.

2 corinthians 2;14
Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, 
and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place.

Truth is truth regardless of how we feel and how we think. We should be ever ready; concerning life matters and troubles; when the devil roars like a lion that he\’s not. When sicknesses, offences, addictions, failures and so on; wants to set us back. We are told to put on. We must renew. We must so learn Christ.

"Long-lasting victory can never be separated 
from a long-lasting stand on the foundation of the cross\"
- Watchman Nee

Put on the armour of God and it\’s not enough till you put on the whole of it. Warriors have weapons and we also do too. We don\’t go unprepared for battles. Extra bullets, extra arrows, extras, you need all the extras. One verse is not enough not even a chapter to feel satisfied, study and know the word of God well so you know how to use the sword well. Keep at it and practice because victory in Christ was completed.

Ephesians 4:23-24 
And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; 
And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. 

The devil is never at ease, he never stops, he moves so we can\’t wait. Keep moving. Ensuring also that many others move along with you.

We must put on truth, put on his righteousness, our feet should be swift to preach the gospel of peace as Christ came to preach peace. We must put on the faith which is our shield against the devil\’s fiery darts. Salvation is great therefore, say the word, its your sword, it offends him, it offends them. Pray, pray like it\’s a war because it is. Prove your victory boldly.

Soldiers and warriors are bold in battle we must be in our prayers, in our speaking, perspectives and perceptions must change, strongholds are to be pulled down, attributes which makes you less of a warrior should be cast down.

2 corinthians 10: 4-5
(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty 
through God to the pulling down of strong holds;).
Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself 
against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

A soldier obeys orders, follows instructions and seeks to please his master, a soldier is devoted to the people so is a warrior, a hero and any other supernatural being you can think of. A necessity is laid upon them to do what is required because they are exceptional. As Christians, we are so much more so we have to put on. We are instructed to put on.

William Gurnall

What have we Bibles for, ministers and preaching for, if we mean not to furnish ourselves by them with armour for the evil day?

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