The main thing: The foundation

What pulls you together?
1 Corinthians 3: 11
For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.

Many times we face situations, circumstances, we feel things and we have questions. We fall apart and we start again, sometimes we break down and we get up again. We can hear that motivational talk and we fight back, after all \’What is life?\’ There is hope we say to ourselves. Sometimes we show inconsistencies and then again, we appear to be consistent. We always have questions….unanswered questions that can only be answered in the \”What\’s your foundation?\’\’ question.

How do you pull through? What holds you? Your walls? Did you build them yourself? Do you have the capacity to?

We see the frailty in the human nature, the weakness, the fatigue, the pain, the sickness, the helplessness and name it. Man needs help. We need a foundation. To build a foundation, there needs to be a \’digging deep\’ and even more to make a strong one. Where a foundation is shallow, there can\’t be a strong building.

According to John Bevere; 

\"Storms reveal  the strength of your foundation\"

There was a man who was and its still being called a Rock, a Chief corner stone, a Sure foundation, a firm foundation. The most interesting thing is, that man was also God. We may already know his name. A man named Isaiah once prophesied:

Isaiah 28: 16

Therefore thus says the Lord God, “Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone, a tested stone,
 A costly cornerstone for the foundation, firmly placed. 
He who believes in it will not be disturbed. 

Man never had the capacity to build on his own, he needed something else, she needed something else, the help, the foundation which is Jesus.

…It’s been my observation that those who believe in something greater than themselves tend to be more resilient than those who only believe in what they see.

George S. Everly, Jr, PhD, ABPP

Many times we build our walls on shallow things, our perceptions, our thoughts, our frailty, what we learnt, what we know but there\’s much more. There is still a sure and a firm foundation.

Some of us need to ask ourselves basic questions. What is our foundation? and more so, What am I building? There\’s too much focus on the walls, know your foundation. If you have the right one, then, build well. \’…Be careful how you build\’. Do this words sound familiar?

Read the story below!

These walls

\”My defense, my strength; my walls…

They say the world is a battle place

Yeah, its also true, that its a small world

We meet new people but sometimes we meet the same people over again.

And sometimes many people be getting on your nerves

They are just different, they are just different from you.

So you build them walls

Now, it’s you against the world

You thought of them so small so you raised your walls so high

I don’t want them small people climbing through

I don’t even want them looking through

I am comfortable in my own shell, my own space

They threw stones and slammed on my gates, they beat on my walls

My walls, its my walls!

It’s been all about me, yes, it’s still all about me


My walls shook, even when I was careful, they still shook

They were not strong enough

Because I built them up myself; for myself.

I forgot to say, I lied low within so…

My walls mirrored me

I became like the small men, the small men I hated

Those I couldn’t trust, I took on their qualities,

Till I became defenseless,

It was just a matter of time.

Because they were my walls; they were my walls\’\’

Remember to build with care!

2 thoughts on “The main thing: The foundation”

  1. This is so amazing and inspiring.
    I choose to lay my foundation on Christ the rock that can never be crushed.

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